HHCN is a registered national level, non-governmental academic body of experts in haemophilia, medical and other health disciplines.
In India, Haemophilia remained a rather neglected ‘orphan disease’ until the 2007-2008 when first fully comprehensive haemophilia care centre, HDCC, was established in Maulana Azad Medical College & Lok Nayak Hospital in Delhi under directions emanating from the directions of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, mandated to Prof. Naresh Gupta as Network Coordinator of Haemophilia. Until that time, there was no institutional haemophilia care setup under any State/ UT Govt to provide free treatment for haemophilia.
The rapid progress that this Delhi initiative of free haemophilia care made was testimony to the deep vacuum that existed for adequate treatment of Haemophilia in India. With healthcare being a State subject, the Delhi initiative was getting overloaded. Soon, it overflowed into neighbouring and other States with Delhi’s Advocacy and Capacity Building model. Within a decade almost all States and UTs were providing Haemophilia Care- a matter of great pride for Delhi.
Concurrently, the global developments in haemophilia care moved great strides with newer innovations, that improved the plight of haemophilia fraternity so gratifying. The rapidity of expansion in haemophilia care treatment modalities came with uncertainties and anxieties amongst not only patients but other stakeholders including the treaters, administrators and policymakers. Regular meetings of like-minded public-oriented experts were going on during the regular scientific meetings, and left much to be desired. And a felt need for more cohesive and consensus approach esp. in the changing landscape of expanding armamentarium to manage haemophilias was palpable from all corners. This is what lead to the birth of Haemophilia & Health Collective of North in July 2023 with contribution from experts from across the country. It has been recognized as a National level organization by the Government of India.
Haemophilia & Health Collective of North (HHCN) is a body of senior experienced faculty staff largely from the Government medical colleges in different States of North India. These founder members have shown their mettle for improving the lot of haemophilia and other related blood disorders, and health in general in India. With their long experience and knowledge of ground realities and administrative functioning, the members have empowered the HHCN to think and recommend the best decisions in the interest of patients at large while keeping the situational constraints in mind.
In the short span since its foundation in July 2023, Haemophilia & Health Collective of North® has shown its dedication and capabilities by organizing the following.
Policy and Protocols for Best Practices in Haemophilia Care in Developing Countries
-Policy & Protocols for Enabling Best Haemophilia Treatments
Its proceedings will be incorporated in the next version of our National level guidelines on haemophilia care to be launched later this year.
While the expert founding Members (quod vide) of Haemophilia & Health Collective of North® are doing their best, we will surely benefit from constructive criticism. Meanwhile, it is our sanguine hope that these first national level recommendations on haemophile care will be perused by the different State administrations for optimizing health equity in haemophilia care. It is an expensive treatment but comes with unsurpassable benefits by ‘resurrecting the dead children back to normal life longevity and quality’.
We soon hope to update these Recommendations on Best Practices in Haemophilia Treatment during second half of this year.
With Best Wishes!
Dr. Naresh Gupta
Vice President
Joint Secretary